Central Management System (CMS)
The Central Management Server (CMS) is a high performance Linux based network appliance that extends the reach of E-Detective across your huge enterprise or even ISP scale networks, providing real-time centralized reporting, searching and querying, as well as alert and notification functions. The CMS aggregates and manages a cluster of distributed E-Detective systems (which can be in the same location or in multiple locations) in real-time and facilitates a single and hierarchical enterprise view across your network.
The Central Management Server is specially designed to aggregate data hierarchically from multiple or distributed E-Detective systems for ultimate scalability and deployment flexibility across various organization-specific or ISP scale network topologies and infrastructures. The CMS design also allows hierarchical analysis, or investigation operation and visibility which includes querying, searching, alerting, notifying and reporting that extends to multiple E-Detective systems. This provides a single point of access to multiple E-Detective systems.

Diagram 1: E-Detective, DRMS and CMS implementation in ISP network for LI purpose.

Diagram 2: CMS aggregating and managing multiple or distributed E-Detective systems deployed in different office branches (in different locations).
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