Introduction to Cybercrime

According to the latest survey, Taiwan Network Information Center in early 2010, Taiwan's Internet population reached 1580 million, and Internet penetration applications rate reached 68%.  As the rapid growth of Internet use, the emerging Internet crime also has been increasing.

With the Internet population growth, in addition to legitimate users, the cost of computer crime as a relatively low risk is due to hidden features make small.  In recent years, cyberspace has become a breeding ground for various crimes and using the Internet to engage in unlawful activities gradually extended out from the computer crime has led to many social problems such as Internet pornography, information theft, computer crime, hacking and other illegal incident spread.

Internet crime can be divided into two categories:

  1. Using the Internet as a crime place: what a so-called crime web site is the crimes occur on the Internet. For example, using the Internet to deliver pornography, engaging in gambling activities, infringement of copyright or trademark rights, trafficking in prohibited goods, or sale of baby, etc.
  2. The object of using the Internet: after the rising of Internet, computer systems are vulnerable to criminal object, in other words, the computer system vulnerable to attack. If hackers hack Web site, spread of dangerous diseases affecting the normal use of computer networks of others, or to obtain, delete or change other people's computer data or records.